威九国际影院_黛·娇美容会所— 美,正在发生


美,是一个美容院最基本的素养。Beauty is the most basic quality of a beauty salon.该项目是为黛·娇美容会所举行设计,首创人集20多年的美容业履历,开办了黛·娇,它的降生源于一份对美的期待。The project is designed for dai jiao beauty club. The founder set up dai jiao with more than 20 years of experience in the beauty industry. It was born out of a desire for beauty.美容院是制造美、发生美的地方,黛·娇更是热衷于美的服务,设计中空间的舒适度、美感等细节,也体现了其高品质的服务。

Beauty salon is a place where beauty is made and produced. Dai jiao is keen on beauty service. The details such as comfort and beauty in the design also reflect its high-quality service.M设计,探索美容会所新的美学内在,生长空间新的表达方式,延伸了黛·娇美的秘闻,叫醒美学意识,打造人与空间的自然联系。M design, explore the new aesthetic connotation of the beauty club, develop a new way of expression of the space, extend the details of day · delicate beauty, wake up aesthetic consciousness, create a natural connection between people and space.前台以木艺材质为配景,以黑白交织的大理石为收银台,配以清新的绿植,搭建出柔和的气氛,让主顾放松心绪,通常靠近前台都能感受到扑面而来的清新自然气息,营造出满满的亲和感。

The front desk takes woodwork material as the background, black and white crisscross marble as the cashier desk, matched with fresh green plants, build a soft atmosphere, let the customer relax mood, often close to the front desk can feel the fresh natural breath, create a full sense of intimacy.木艺+石雕渐进式的空间感受淡雅的绿植盆栽,憨态可掬的石雕,从入门到走廊,颇能感受到几分禅意,沉沉木香淡去客人一身仆仆风尘,客人穿过走廊,除了熟悉身畔枚举的产物,还能真切感受围绕四壁的原木料质所出现出的惬意的生活境界。Quietly elegant green plants potted, simple and innocent stone carving, from the entry to the corridor, quite can feel a bit Japanese zen, heavy wood incense to the guests a whole body of dust, guests through the corridor, in addition to familiar with the side of the products, but also can really feel the log material around the walls of the state of life presented by the leisurely and comfortable.悠然禅意东方美学品茗之处茶室的加入为主顾提供一个等候、闲聊、品茶或是与美容师相同的好去处,茶桌侧面邻近宽敞的落地窗,充盈的光线和一览无余的窗外美景让茶室富有意境。The addition of teahouse provides customers with a good place to wait, chat, sip tea or communicate with the beautician.新中式气势派头装置生活美学放松身心的空间色彩推拿室结构简练,给人质朴的亲切感,以纯粹的白色为主色调,温雅清洁,窗台设计成坐榻和矮几的搭配,配上茶具和盆栽,空间马上弥漫起闲适惬意的味道,让客人全身心地放松下来,享受服务。

Massage room layout is concise, give a person rustic friendly feeling, with pure white give priority to tonal, wen ya is clean, windowsill is designed to sit the collocation of couch and short a few, deserve to go up tea set and potted, the space is filled with the flavour of leisurely and comfortable immediately, let a guest relax wholeheartedly come down, enjoy service.靠墙的软榻可供客人结伴而来的友人闲坐等候,充满人性化的设计用心满足客人的需求,增加主顾转头率。Rely on the soft bed of the wall to be able to offer guest companion and the friend that come to sit idly wait, the design with full human nature fulfills the demand of guest attentively, increase customer to turn head rate.蜿蜒的楼梯山水挂画视觉的延伸旋转楼梯蜿蜒出设计感,吊灯垂坠在楼梯中心,像一颗颗漂浮的琉璃球,点亮走道的同时充满梦幻感,转折处的墙壁挂上山水挂画,这不经意间的小惊艳拉伸了空间的质感和趣味性。Rotate stair winding gives design feeling, droplight hangs pendant is in stair center, resemble the liu li ball that floats one after another, when lighting corridor, be full of dream feeling at the same time, the wall of bend place hangs landscape to hang a picture, this casual small jing stretched the simple sense of the space and interest.享受美容时光醉人的香氛绵软的推拿床将沐浴和推拿联合于一体的多功效美容室,唯美的纱幔,醉人的香氛,绵软的推拿床,足以安放客人疲惫的身心,享受专属于自己的美容时光。

The multifunctional hairdressing room that bath and massage are united in one body, only beautiful gauze curtain, intoxicant sweet atmosphere, soft massage bed, enough to put the body and mind of guest exhaustion, enjoy the hairdressing time that is exclusive to oneself.沐浴富有仪式感装置美学别致的洗手池和镜子,兼具实用性和仪式感,木质浴桶,舒适且复古,沐浴时淡淡木香放松身心十分惬意,室内整体色调舒适,更容易放松身心。Chic wash one's hands and mirror, hold concurrently practical and ritual feeling, woodiness bath bucket, comfortable and restore ancient ways, when bath light mu xiang relaxes body and mind very satisfied, indoor whole is tonal and comfortable, loosen body and mind more easily.多人美容室简朴纯粹的意境提升美容体验多人美容室更为宽敞雅致,惹眼的碧色铺垫墙壁,提升空间质感,看似朴实无华,实则用精练却细腻的直线元素打造简朴、纯粹的意境,三张美容床让客人在享受服务的同时可以和闺蜜挚友闲聊,提升美容体验。

Many person hairdressing room is more capacious and refined, the blue lubricious matting of eye draws a wall, promote dimensional simple sense, look like guileless and unadorned, the linear element that USES concise but exquisite actually makes simple, pure artistic conception, 3 hairdressing bed let a guest enjoy a service while can chat with boudoyere bosom friend, promote hairdressing experience.安稳随性的木质地板显露温润柔情,缀以雅致的壁画绘出莺啼燕语的春景,在空间宕起生趣,出现出诗意盎然的东方美学,柔静的气氛让主顾得以抛下世外骚动,放松心灵。The woodiness floor of safety follows a gender to reveal wen run tender feeling, compose the spring scene that gives a beautiful picture of flowers and birds with refined mural, go up in the space lively interest, present the Oriental aesthetic with poetic exuberant, gentle and quiet atmosphere lets customer be able to leave world outside disturb, loosen the mind.墙面通报出的简练静谧,木桶古色古香,渲染出清静、雅致的spa情况,让客人在温柔的气氛里获得自我释放。

The concise and quiet that metope delivers, wooden bucket is antique, render a quiet, refined spa environment, let a guest get ego in gentle atmosphere release.诗情画意浪漫精致抚慰身心清浅的木色地板配合柔和的灯光,抚慰主顾精神压力,绚丽的山水壁画让诗情画意激荡一室,为空间增添丝丝温婉的山水灵气,勾起女性追求浪漫与精致的心田情愫。The light of floor of clear and shallow wood color coachs downy lamplight, appease customer spirit pressure, brilliant landscape mural lets poetic feeling picture meaning ripple a room, add filaments for the space wen wan's landscape clever spirit, arouse the sincere feeling of female pursuit romance and delicate heart.Info /项目信息原始图1原始图2平面图1平面图2平面图3。

